After Hours Sports Care
Advantages to AOK After Hours Orthopedic Sports Care:
- On-call orthopedic surgeons and athletic trainers
- Platinum Patient Program for School athletes
- Immediate or same day access to Fellowship Trained Sports Medicine orthopedic doctors during business hours
- Unparalleled follow-up care for sports injuries by Athletic trainers
AOK Urgent OrthoCare is a free-standing, urgent care facility specializing in the care of recreational, school and professional sports injuries. AOK Urgent OrthoCare has on-call orthopedic surgeons and coordinates with staff athletic trainers to provide athletes with efficient diagnosis and unparalleled follow-up care. These experienced sports medicine professionals give each athlete individual attention to ensure an appropriate, safe, and expedited return to sport participation.
We also offer Platinum Patient Access: a specialized program for student athletes at both the AOK Urgent OrthoCare and AOKC. After signing a HIPAA waiver, our Sports Medicine physicians and athletic trainers can communicate directly with the school athletic trainers, coaches, nurses, and/or parents for immediate follow-up. This program is modeled from collegiate athletic training practices which allows communication with the appropriate school staff to keep the athlete involved in participation when possible and return them to sport as quickly as possible.
Our athletic trainers consult with the doctor directly regarding plan of care and then follow up with the parent, coach, and school athletic trainer as needed. This process insures timely follow-up care and coordination so that the athlete is under the care of the appropriate specialist, and at the right time in the healing process.