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The Importance of Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy: the science of blending physiology with exercises and applying these principles to the body when an injury is sustained. Physical therapy for back and neck conditions focuses on the structures that support the spine and its joints including muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

The three main goals for physical therapy are:

  1. To educate patients on the principles of stretching and strengthening, which will in turn, help manage pain and accelerate tissue healing.
  2. To educate patients on proper posture and ergonomic principles to preserve the spine.
  3. To accelerate the stages of healing, which focus on:
    1. Reducing pain and the inflammatory cycle
  • Apply passive modalities only if severe: ice/heat/ultrasound/traction/electrical stimulation
  • Educate regarding posture and resting in neutral position
  1. Restoring muscular flexibility, joint mobility, and spine motion
  • Introduce specific stretching exercises and progressions to abolish pain and stiffness to specific regions with high frequency and repetitions
  1. Strengthening the involved muscles
  • Teach how to maintain the new postures

At AOK Spine and Pain we have a state-of-the-art physical therapy department located within our facility. Our licensed physical therapists work closely with your physician on an individualized treatment plan to best suit your needs. For your convenience they even have evening and weekend appointments.



  • Athletic Orthopedics

    Athletic Orthopedics

    Athletic Orthopedics

    Athletic Orthopedics
    & Knee Center
    9180 Katy Freeway
    Suite 200
    Houston, TX 77055





    Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    Saturday & Sunday: Closed

    Monday – Thursday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
    Friday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
    Saturday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Sunday: Closed