The mission of the Athletic and Orthopedic Research Foundation is to provide necessary medical care and treatment, for injured youth in the greater Houston area who are either under insured or do not have health insurance coverage.
With donations the Foundation has provided over 10,000 free and low cost sports physicals to students in need. Additionally athletic trainers are scheduled at events in local schools who work hard to decrease and treat sports injuries. Additionally the Foundation has provided much needed sports equipment to schools and community programs in Houston. 100 percent of donations go to these causes since the Foundation has no administrative overhead expenses. The staff of Athletic Orthopedics and Knee Center donates time for fundraising and administrative tasks.
In addition to providing medical services, A.O.R.F. encourages kids to participate in sports and athletic activities, so that they develop their minds and bodies to their full potential. To help encourage youth to lead active and healthy lifestyles, each year A.O.R.F. sponsors medical care at over 300 school athletic events, encourages participation in sports by providing low-cost physicals for over 700 area students, donates sporting equipment to community programs.